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TMS and Esketamine Therapy Hartford, CT

Guiding You To A Brighter Future

Alternative treatments for depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and OCD


TMS Therapy Hartford, CT

Guiding You To A Brighter Future

 A drug-free treatment for   depression and OCD 

What is TMS Therapy?

A Drug-Free Treatment For Depression, Anxiety, and OCD

TMS is a safe, non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment for depression and OCD.  Our goal is to help you start living your life again. Let us guide you on your journey to feeling better!

Picture of inside Polaris Psychiatry.  There are two couches visible on either side of the room as well as a desk

Overcome Depression with TMS Therapy

You're struggling with depression, anxiety, or OCD and your medication was either not effective or it's not an option. TMS Therapy is an alternative treatment.


Most patients experience relief within several weeks


A non-invasive and drug-free treatment for anxiety, OCD, and depression

Free of Side Effects

TMS Therapy is virtually free of negative side effects

What is Esketamine?

An Effective Treatment for Depression

Esketamine is a nasal spray drug that offers an innovative approach for individuals not responding to conventional treatments. It provides rapid improvement of symptoms of depression without the side-effects of traditional antidepressants. Esketamine is an FDA-approved and safe treatment when administered by a doctor.


Polaris Psychiatry

Polaris Psychiatry is a small private practice in Hartford, CT ran by Dr. Christopher Hammel and Dr. Tonya Ruggieri. Our dedicated team is here to support you on your journey to a better life.

Two couches along the walls at Polaris Psychiatry.
Smiling young woman with leopard print shirt and palm trees in the background.

Get Started with TMS or Esketamine Therapy

Call our office and we'll be happy to walk you through the process. Your first step will be to ask your doctor to submit the referral form.

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