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About Polaris Psychiatry

Polaris Psychiatry is the practice of Dr. Christopher Hammel, MD, MPH, and Dr. Tonya Ruggieri, MD.  As psychiatrists, we are medical doctors (MDs) focused on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions.


 We specialize in treatment-resistant depression, which we treat with a safe, non-invasive, FDA-approved intervention called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS.   TMS is also an effective treatment for anxiety, OCD, and chronic pain (mPNS).  We also offer esketamine (Spravato) which is a nasal spray medication that is effective in treating treatment-resistant depression.  Our goal is to help you start living your life again, and TMS and esketamine can help you do that by targeting your symptoms of depression, anxiety, OCD, and even chronic pain.  Let us guide you on your journey to feeling better!

What Sets Our Practice Apart

At Polaris Psychiatry, we understand that every individual who comes to us is at a different point in their journey to a better future. Taking that first step can be intimidating and we're here with you every step of the way so that you feel safe and comfortable. 


Communication plays an important part in your treatment, and when you work with us, you can count on a welcoming experience where you feel heard and understood.

Inside Polaris Psychiatry, with couches along the walls and a desk in the back.

Our Team


Dr. Christopher Hammel


In his private practice, Connecticut Psychiatry, Dr. Hammel specializes in the management of complex and treatment-resistant cases. Dr. Hammel is a psychiatric residency supervisor, authors articles in psychiatry, and instructs other psychiatrists on practice management. He is grateful for the opportunity to offer TMS to patients with depression who have not responded to other treatments.

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Dr. Tonya Ruggieri


In addition to being a psychiatrist, Dr. Ruggieri is also a biomedical engineer, giving her unique insight into the treatment she offers with TMS technology. She is an experienced interventional psychiatrist, having offered TMS Therapy for 3 years, ECT, and Esketamine for several years in her separate role as Co-Director of the Center for Interventional Psychiatry at the Institute of Living at Hartford Hospital.

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TMS Technician

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